domingo, 28 de mayo de 2017


Laia has been among us doing her teaching practice. She took advantage of the Earth Day to do her teaching unit. the pupils enjoyed it. At the end they recorded a video presentation. Have a look!  They sound great!

nicodenisemarinamarco from Antonio on Vimeo.

marjuliamarcbruno from Antonio on Vimeo.

lauradanipaujoanr from Antonio on Vimeo.

geodanmarcjoanc from Antonio on Vimeo.

galapolluciajoelroger from Antonio on Vimeo.

ericjuliarommelester from Antonio on Vimeo.

enricingridalexpol from Antonio on Vimeo.

brunomartataniasergi from Antonio on Vimeo.

annaalexrebecasergio from Antonio on Vimeo.

alicenuriamateoadonis from Antonio on Vimeo.

abelalexisjuliajan from Antonio on Vimeo.

tonicamillasergiandrea from Antonio on Vimeo.

miércoles, 3 de mayo de 2017


Pupils in year 6 are had good time playing "Pasa palabra" in English.

  • the first thing they did, was to split up in groups of four or five.

  • Secondly, they work together in the group, looking for the definition of the word that they chose for each letter of the alphabet.

  • Thirdly they play the game. one group read their definition for anonther group and "Pasa palabra"